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Sack Peterson Quality

Here's a synapsis of my artistic arc.  I think this context is probably useful for both the stag connoiseur and stag newbie.

India curtailed Sambar antler exports some years ago.  Sambar is not endangered by the way, but Bengal Tigers are.  Bengal Tigers eat Sambar.

Thus Sambar grips got very expensive.  As a matter of cost and material supply, artisans tried Elk antler for cowboy grips. 

Exotic grip connoisseurs were not all that impressed.  There was a lot of grumbling that Elk antler was a poor material; too white, too soft, too light, too hollow….

About that time I had just started making Elk grips and selling them.   While I had receptive shoppers and happy buyers, I had read the opinions.  It nagged at me that I was getting not insignificant prices for what some fellas of good knowledge considered an inherently poor product.

As I continued to cut and render Elk antler I noticed a couple things:

1 – The experts were wrong.  Elk antler is not poor in comparison to Sambar.  From Elk you can render the same quality of panels as you can from Sambar.

2 – The experts were right.  It’s much easier to make a poor set of grips from Elk.

It comes down to cutting and rendering.  Particularly, not using a piece for a single action panel just because it’s big enough for one.

My quality guarantee is that my standard commission price reflects a premium price.  For that price you will get select heavyweight panels professionally fit and finished out by me.

There’s also a matter of aesthetics.  There is something of an ‘Elky’ look grips made from Elk antler can have.  That is not necessarily the stag grip look everyone holds in their mind’s eye.  I generally cut for a more rugged, old world / old west appearance.

Shown below are hard panels as they are rendered for grips.












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